• 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出

    23-01-29 一副恐龙化石骨架的复制模型将于新年来到伦敦展出,这头恐龙可能是有史以来在陆地上行走的最大的动物。 Dinosaur skeletons are always a big draw, and the Natural History Museum will showcase next year the biggest of the lot. 恐龙骨架一直是吸引众人前来参观...

  • 中国科学家发现侏罗纪草本被子植物化石

    16-03-09 Paleobotanists have found fossils of perhaps world's earliest herbaceous angiosperm plant from the mid-Jurassic period (more than 164 million years ago) in north China's Inner Mongolia. 中国古植物学家在内蒙古发现了可能是世界上最早的中侏罗纪时期(1.6...

  • 恐龙祖先与首批恐龙出现的间隔并不长

    15-12-08 A new study by a team of scientists from Argentina, Brazil, California and the Natural History Museum of Utah at the University of Utah has determined that the time elapsed between the emergence of early dinosaur relatives and the origin of the firs...

  • 中国内蒙古出土最古老的七鳃鳗幼鱼化石

    14-10-15 Few people devote time to pondering the ancient origins of the eel-like lamprey, yet the evolutionary saga of the bloodsucker holds essential clues to the biological roots of humanity. Today, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences publi...

  • 化石可恢复遗失的生物多样性

    14-09-24 Many native species have vanished from tropical islands because of human impact, but University of Florida scientists have discovered how fossils can be used to restore lost biodiversity. The key lies in organic materials found in fossil bones, whic...

  • 坦桑尼亚发现新品种巨蜥龙

    14-09-10 Ohio University paleontologists have identified a new species of titanosaurian, a member of the large-bodied sauropods that thrived during the final period of the dinosaur age, in Tanzania. Although many fossils of titanosaurians have been discovere...

  • 古代曾有刺猬生存于不列颠哥伦比亚

    14-07-09 The Earth has experienced many dramatic changes in climate since the dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago. One of the warmest periods was the early Eocene Epoch, 50 to 53 million years ago. During this interval, North American mammal communit...

  • 新品种角龙拥有独特翼状头饰

    14-06-21 Scientists have named a new species of horned dinosaur (ceratopsian) based on fossils collected from Montana in the United States and Alberta, Canada. Mercuriceratops (mer-cure-E-sare-ah-tops) gemini(双生子,双胎) was approximately 6 meters (20 fe...

  • 阿拉斯加发现一种小型霸王龙化石

    14-03-14 A 70 million year old fossil found in the Late Cretaceous sediments of Alaska reveals a new small tyrannosaur(霸王龙) , according to a paper published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on March 12, 2014 by co-authors Anthony Fiorillo and Ronald...

  • 1亿年前开花植物即可以有性生殖

    14-01-05 A 100-million-year old piece of amber(琥珀) has been discovered which reveals the oldest evidence of sexual reproduction in a flowering plant -- a cluster of 18 tiny flowers from the Cretaceous Period -- with one of them in the process of making s...