• to blow a fuse 勃然大怒

    21-12-09 电路中保险丝的英文单词是 fuse。当电流过强时,保险丝会被烧断,我们通常用动词 break 或 blow 来描述这个状况,即 the fuse breaks 或 the fuse blows。日常生活中,如果说一个人 blows a fuse 把保险丝烧坏了,指此人突然间因某事而勃然大怒、大发雷霆。 例句 When...

  • 干细胞研究突破:骨癌细胞

    10-01-29 Using cells from mice, scientists from Iowa and Iran have discovered a new strategy for making embryonic胚胎的 stem cell transplants移植 less likely to be rejected by a recipient's immune system. This strategy, described in a new research report app...
