• 《远距离爱情》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. For us to push back from the gate, make sure seatbelts are fastened, tray tables in their locked position, and your luggage is completely stowed. 在飞机起飞以前,确保系紧安全带,餐桌在固定的位置,行李都完全放好。 2. I am going to get wasted. 我要...

  • 《奇幻森林》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Chin up, little one. 别灰心,小家伙。 2. In some packs, the runt gets eaten. 某些族群里最小的会被吃掉。 3. I thought I made myself clear. 我想我说得够清楚了。 4. No need to get worked up. Okay? 不用那么激动,好吗? 5. Then lets quit wasting time a...

  • 用so和neither表示“有同感”

    22-12-08 1. 在他人用肯定句对某事表达看法后,我们可以用 So do I. 和 So am I. 等来表示 我也是 或 我有同感,意思与 me too 相同。 I go jogging everyday. So do I! I watched the football game last night. So did I! I am turning 20 this year. So am I! I was really h...

  • 水下国际象棋世锦赛:智力与肺活量的角逐

    22-11-25 What better way to cool off than going for a dip? 还有什么比游个泳更好的解暑方法呢? But what if you combine it with playing chess? 如果把游泳和下棋结合起来,会怎么样? As the UK sweltered in a heatwave, ten players took part in the Dive Chess World...

  • 《剑桥词典》2022年度词汇:Homer本垒打

    22-11-19 近日,《剑桥词典》(Cambridge Dictionary)公布了2022年度词汇:Homer(本垒打)。Homer是棒球运动中的术语,指击球员将对方来球击出后,击球员依次跑过一、二、三垒并安全回到本垒。Homer实际上是非正式的美式英语单词,这样一个专业词汇为什么能成为今年的年度词汇...

  • 英国传统运动:足球

    22-11-02 许多世界性的体育运动都发源于英国,职业足球就是其中的一项。英国人既热衷于看足球比赛,也非常喜欢谈论足球。因此,英语中逐渐衍生出很多和这项运动有关的日常表达和搭配。 1. There is an expression which is commonly used between players of the same team to w...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 17

    22-09-14 I was way early when I got there, so I just sat down on one of those leather couches right near the clock in the lobby and watched the girls. A lot of schools were home for vacation already, and there were about a million girls sitting and standing...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 4

    22-09-13 I didnt have anything special to do, so I went down to the can and chewed the rag with him while he was shaving. We were the only ones in the can, because everybody was still down at the game. It was hot as hell and the windows were all steamy. Ther...