• fur bikini 皮毛比基尼

    15-04-24 There can't be many buyers out there for a fur bikini . 肯定不会有很多买皮毛比基尼这种东西的。 But Kim Kardashian proved just how useful such a seemingly impractical garment could be as she played in the snow wearing her 'furkini'. 但是,当金卡戴珊...

  • 灰姑娘沙漏型身材迷倒万千少女

    15-03-25 Cinderella's wardrobe may be brimming with ornate glass slippers but it's her classic hour-glass figure women are lusting after. 或许灰姑娘的衣橱里满是华丽的玻璃鞋,但是招致万千少女疯狂追随的却是她的沙漏型身材。 The new Disney film, starring British...

  • hanger appeal 衣架魅力

    11-08-10 Hanger appeal refers to the attractiveness of a garment when viewed on a hanger (rather than being worn). A garment has hanger appeal if it looks good on the rack and would entice someone to look more closely, and perhaps try it on and buy it. 衣架...
