• 土豆有望高产

    23-01-29 科学家首次破解了马铃薯这种作物的全部基因组。这一成果刊登在最新一期的《自然》期刊上。这一突破将有助于提高马铃薯产量。 The humble potato is in fact the worlds fourth largest food crop, with a global annual yield of around 330 million tonnes. In an int...

  • 长毛象死而复生?

    21-02-27 A team of international scientists has published the complete genome of the woolly mammoth - a creature which became extinct thousands of years ago. The study, published in the Journal Current Biology, will probably cheer up a team of Harvard Univer...

  • 中国科学家解码太平洋白虾基因组

    19-01-25 Chinese scientists have successfully decoded the genome of the Pacific white shrimp and acquired a high quality reference genome map of the species. 中国科学家成功解码太平洋白虾的基因组,得到该物种的高品质参照基因组。 Xiang Jianhai, researcher with...

  • 中国科学家绘制喜马拉雅旱獭完整基因组

    18-12-24 Chinese scientists have mapped the first complete genome of Himalayan marmots who can survive at altitudes up to 5,000 meters in Himalayan regions that experience extreme cold and scarce oxygen and resources. 中国科学家成功绘制喜马拉雅旱獭的完整基因...

  • 小麦基因组图谱绘制完成

    18-08-17 An international team has produced the most comprehensive genome map of wheat. 一个国际研究小组公布了最全面的小麦基因组。 The study published on Thursday in the journal Science presented the reference genome of the bread wheat variety Chinese Spring...

  • 影响人类基因组的蛋白质

    17-03-23 EPFL scientists have carried out a genomic and evolutionary study of a large and enigmatic family of human proteins, to demonstrate that it is responsible for harnessing the millions of transposable elements in the human genome. The work reveals the...

  • 有选择地定序DNA片段

    16-07-26 Scientists at The University of Nottingham have demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to selectively sequence fragments of DNA in real time, greatly reducing the time needed to analyse biological samples. A paper published today in the...

  • 玉米秸秆内有种类丰富的蛋白质

    16-06-27 The genome of the corn plant - or maize, as its called almost everywhere except the US - is a lot more exciting than scientists have previously believed. So says the lead scientist in a new effort to analyze and annotate the depth of the plants gene...

  • 旧石器时代非洲即有人类迁徙活动

    16-05-31 The Palaeogenomics study conducted by the Human Evolutionary Biology group of the Faculty of Science and Technology, led by Concepcin de la Rua, in collaboration with researchers in Sweden, the Netherlands and Romania, has made it possible to retrie...