• 火炬松基因组被成功定序

    14-03-25 The massive genome of the loblolly pine -- around seven times bigger than the human genome -- is the largest genome sequenced to date and the most complete conifer(针叶树) genome sequence ever published. This achievement marks the first big test o...

  • 科学家发明用于基因组序列的新式备选药物

    14-02-10 In research that could ultimately lead to many new medicines, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have developed a potentially general approach to design drugs from genome sequence. As a proof of principle, th...

  • 迄今最古老的癌症已存在1.1万年

    14-01-28 Scientists have sequenced the genome of the world's oldest continuously surviving cancer, a transmissible genital cancer that affects dogs. This cancer, which causes grotesque genital tumors in dogs around the world, first arose in a single dog that...

  • 水牛基因组被成功解码

    14-01-27 Lal Teer Livestock Limited, an associate of LalTeer Seed Ltd., the largest seed company in Bangladesh with strong hybrid research program, and BGI, the world's largest genomics organization, jointly announced today that they have completed the genom...

  • RNA聚合酶能够修复受损DNA

    14-01-09 Our health depends in large part upon the ability of specialized enzymes to find and repair the constant barrage(弹幕,阻塞) of DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet light radiation and other sources. In a new study NYU School of Medicine researche...

  • 姥鲨基因组被成功解码

    14-01-09 An international team of researchers has sequenced the genome of the elephant shark, a curious-looking fish with a snout(鼻子) that resembles the end of an elephant's trunk. The elephant shark and its cousins the sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras...

  • 无油樟基因组揭示开花植物的进化历程

    13-12-30 The newly sequenced genome of the Amborella plant addresses Darwin's abominable(讨厌的) mystery -- the question of why flowers suddenly proliferated on Earth millions of years ago. The genome sequence sheds new light on a major event in the histor...

  • 尼安德特人曾有长期异血缘繁育现象

    13-12-19 The most complete sequence to date of the Neanderthal(穴居人的) genome, using DNA extracted from a woman's toe bone that dates back 50,000 years, reveals a long history of interbreeding among at least four different types of early humans living in...

  • 西伯利亚人可能是美洲印第安人后裔

    13-11-21 The genome sequence of a 24,000-year-old Siberian individual has provided a key piece of the puzzle in the quest for Native American origins. The ancient Siberian demonstrates genomic signatures that are basal to present-day western Eurasians and cl...

  • 细菌使破损DNA被循环利用

    13-11-19 From a bacteria's perspective the environment is one big DNA waste yard. Researchers have now shown that bacteria can take up small as well as large pieces of old DNA from this scrapheap(废料堆) and include it in their own genome. This discovery m...