• 《魔发奇缘》序

    22-09-08 Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. From it, a magical flower bloomed that had the power to heal the sick and frail. One day, an old woman named Mother Gothel was singing softly to herself during one of her walks along...

  • 花样滑冰观众为何向运动员扔毛绒玩具

    22-02-10 观看花样滑冰比赛,经常能看到现场观众向场内抛洒毛绒玩具的画面。这些玩具都是粉丝们送给自己喜爱的花滑运动员的礼物。为什么扔的是毛绒玩具而不是鲜花或其他东西呢? Moments after a figure skater finishes their program, adoring fans fling gifts onto the ice....

  • 圣诞节休战

    21-02-28 It happened 100 years ago this week: tired young men jumped out of their muddy trenches on the Western Front of the First World War and fraternised with the enemy. Soldiers exchanged small gifts and some even played football together in no-mans-land...