• 冰川融化速度快于以往任何时候

    15-08-05 The World Glacier Monitoring Service, domiciled at the University of Zurich, has compiled worldwide data on glacier changes for more than 120 years. Together with its National Correspondents in more than 30 countries, the international service just...

  • 珠穆朗玛峰冰川或将发生巨大变化

    15-05-28 If greenhouse-gas emissions continue to rise, glaciers in the Everest region of the Himalayas could experience dramatic change in the decades to come. A team of researchers in Nepal, France and the Netherlands have found Everest glaciers could be ve...

  • 温暖的海水使南极冰川加剧融化

    15-03-17 Researchers have discovered a valley underneath East Antarctica's most rapidly-changing glacier that delivers warm water to the base of the ice, causing significant melting. The intrusion of warm ocean water is accelerating melting and thinning of T...

  • 冰川融化时会发出嘶嘶声

    13-11-29 Scientists have recorded and identified one of the most prominent sounds of a warming planet: the sizzle(嘶嘶声) of glacier ice as it melts into the sea. The noise, caused by trapped air bubbles squirting out of the disappearing ice, could provide...

  • 巨型冰山从松岛冰川崩落

    13-07-13 On July 8, 2013, a huge area of the ice shelf broke away from the Pine Island glacier, the longest and fastest flowing glacier in the Antarctic, and is now floating in the Amundsen Sea in the form of a very large iceberg. Scientists of the Alfred We...

  • 南极沃斯托克冰下湖中存在生命体

    13-07-08 Lake Vostok, buried under a glacier in Antarctica, is so dark, deep and cold that scientists had considered it a possible model for other planets, a place where nothing could live. However, work by Dr. Scott Rogers, a Bowling Green State University...

  • 格陵兰冰原将经历严重融化

    11-10-26 The Greenland ice sheet can experience extreme melting even when temperatures don't hit record highs, according to a new analysis by Dr. Marco Tedesco, assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at The City College of Ne...

  • 乌干达玛格丽塔峰山顶冰盖破裂

    10-05-04 The ice cap on Uganda's highest peak has split because of global warming, Uganda's Wildlife Authority (UWA) says. 乌干达野生动物保护局称,因为全球变暖,其国内最高峰的冰盖已经破裂。 Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains in 1987 on the left and in 2005 on the r...

  • 冰岛南部某火山爆发

    10-03-21 Several hundred people have been evacuated from their homes, as a volcano erupted in southern Iceland. 冰岛南部一座火山爆发,数百人被从家中撤离。 The eruption lit up the night sky just after midnight on Sunday The volcano near the Eyjafjallajoekull...

  • Antarctic glacier 'thinning fast' 南极冰川“消融加快”

    09-08-14 One of the largest glaciers in Antarctica is thinning four times faster than it was 10 years ago, according to research seen by the BBC. BBC调查显示,南极洲最大的一块冰川之一融化速度是过去10年的4倍之多。 The changes to the glacier are described as u...