• 世界最长最高的玻璃桥将于5月开放

    16-01-31 Travelers will soon be able to walk across the world's longest and highest glass-bottom bridge, which spans two cliffs in China's Hunan province. 游客们很快就可以体验这座世界最长最高的玻璃桥了。这座桥建在中国湖南省,横跨两座悬崖。 This week, workers...

  • 台湾建水晶高跟鞋教堂

    16-01-23 A 16m-high glass church in the shape of a high-heeled shoe has been built in Taiwan, apparently in a bid to attract more women. 台湾建了一座高16米的水晶高跟鞋教堂,以吸引女性游客。 A huge glass... what? Yes, you read that right: a glass church, shap...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 42

    15-05-20 Now, what do I observe upon coolly proceeding to this investigation? A puny creature, always inferior to man, infinitely less attractive than he, less ingenious, less wise, constructed in a disgusting manner entirely opposite to what is capable of p...

  • 苹果产品玻璃供应商陈丽华成中国女首富

    15-04-01 Zhou Qunfei, chairperson of Lens Technology, has ousted Chan Laiwa, chairwoman of Hong Kong Fu Wah International Group, as the wealthiest woman in China. 蓝思科技董事长周群飞已超越香港富华国际集团女董事陈丽华成为中国女首富。 A file photo of Zhou Qun...

  • This Present Life

    15-01-15 This Present Life James Reiss Did the bird that slammed into my picture window think its glass was an open door he could breeze through like the sparrow flying through time in the Anglo-Saxon poem, coming to life when he flew into a manor hall dinin...

  • 美国发现首位“谷歌眼镜瘾”患者

    14-10-18 近日,美国一名海军军官被医生认定为首位谷歌眼镜瘾患者,这名军官今年31岁。之前,他一天中约有18个小时戴着谷歌眼镜。两个月后,他发现自己一摘下谷歌眼镜,脾气就变得暴躁,且容易发怒。每次看着眼镜上那个小小的灰色屏幕,就好像在做梦一样。 Scientists have trea...

  • 压力之下的玻璃内部结构变化

    14-09-02 Glass has many applications that call for different properties, such as resistance to thermal shock or to chemically harsh environments. Glassmakers commonly use additives such as boron oxide to tweak these properties by changing the atomic structur...

  • 生活艰难 韩国一些老年妇女被迫卖淫

    14-07-06 Koreans could once be sure that their children would look after them in their old age, but no longer - many of those who worked hard to transform the country's economy find the next generation has other spending priorities. As a result, some elderly...

  • A beautiful woman-doctor 美丽的女医生

    14-07-02 A beautiful woman-doctor is warmly welcomed by men-patients, and she has many romantic and wealthy pursuers. Of course, she also suffers a lot of sexual disterbance. One day, having examined Mr Chen's sterile(不育的) disease in the hospital, the b...

  • 透视传感器使手机更智能

    14-06-20 Your smartphone's display glass could soon be more than just a pretty face, thanks to new technology developed by researchers from Montreal and the New York-based company Corning Incorporated. The team has created the first laser-written light-guidi...