• 医学病症词典G(2)

    14-10-30 giant cell periarteritis 巨细胞动脉周围炎 gigantism 巨人症 gilles de la tourette syndrome 多发性抽动-秽语综合征 glabellar reflex 眉间反射 Glasgow coma scale 格拉斯哥昏迷计分 glaucoma 青光眼 glettic spasm 喉痉挛 glia limitans membrane 胶质界膜 glia...

  • 大脑结缔细胞就像胶水

    11-12-30 Glia cells, named for the Greek word for glue, hold the brain's neurons together and protect the cells that determine our thoughts and behaviors, but scientists have long puzzled over their prominence(突出,显著) in the activities of the brain ded...
