• 《机器人总动员》第21章

    22-12-14 Inside the Captains quarters, a chubby hand moved a toy starship toward a holo-graphic globe. Prepare for landing, the Captain said, inching the small model of the Axiom closer to the globe. Were here, everybody! he announced to his pretend passenge...

  • 让飞行更环保

    20-12-09 Flying has shrunk the world! Its now possible to travel around the globe quickly and easily. Jumping on a plane and jetting off on holiday or a business trip is the norm for many of us, and with the rise of budget airlines, the number of people taki...

  • 豹在全球的活动范围已缩减75%

    16-05-06 The leopard (Panthera pardus), one of the worlds most iconic big cats, has lost as much as 75 percent of its historic range, according to a paper published today in the scientific journal PeerJ. Conducted by partners including the National Geographi...

  • 鱼类、海鸟、大型动物的消逝扰乱地球营养素循环

    15-10-28 A new study reveals that in the past large land animals, whales, seabirds and fish played a vital role in recycling nutrients from the ocean depths, spreading them far and wide across the globe and taking them deep inland. However, the paper says ma...

  • 世界何处居民最幸福长寿

    14-11-29 A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens, within the environmental limits of the planet. 在全球环境限制下,151国新地图出炉,揭密世界上哪个地区的居民最幸福长寿。 And the...

  • 英国机场安装香氛地球仪 提升旅客体验

    14-11-16 Fragrances, apparently, help create some of the best memories we take home from our vacations. 旅途中的那些气味,似乎总能为我们创造一些最美好的回忆。 With this in mind, the UK's Heathrow Airport has installed a Scent Globe to try to cheer up departi...

  • 预言:2010年将是史上最热年

    09-12-12 世界气象组织在哥本哈根气候峰会期间公布的一组数据表明,2000年至2009年可能是1850年以来最热的10年,即将过去的2009年可能在历史最热年份中排名第五,而2010年则可能成为史上最热年份。据气象专家预测,受自然天气形态和全球变暖的影响,2010年全球平均气温将普遍上...

  • US teenager becomes youngest person to circumnavigate globe

    09-07-29 Zac Sunderland poses for photographs at the Marina Del Rey in California Photo. A 17-year-old US mariner steered his battered sailboat into a Southern California harbour on Thursday to complete a gruelling 13-month voyage and become the youngest per...
