• 抛弃传统 很多新娘完婚后就将婚纱卖掉

    17-03-15 Buying a bridal gown can be a pretty hefty expense, but some brides eschewing tradition and selling their used wedding dresses online instead of storing them for the next generation. 买婚纱花费相当高昂,但是有些新娘却抛弃传统,将自己穿过的婚纱在网上...

  • 女星身穿的各种靓装和配饰

    17-01-23 Gown:用在红毯场合指的是礼服,比如evening gown就是指晚礼服。Gown可以泛指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。 Ruffles:衣服的褶裥花边,比如:You will need 12 yards of ribbon facing for the ruffles. (你将需要12码丝带为...

  • 《天生一对》五

    13-07-25 精彩对白 Blake's mom: Now, tell me dear. How many are we expecting from your side of the family? Just a guestimate . Dad: OK. Can I get back to you on that? I'm, I'm not sure at the moment. Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Chessy: Oh, boss, are you okay...

  • 英国新王妃婚纱涉嫌抄袭

    11-05-23 The Duchess of Cambridges wedding dress is certain to inspire a raft of imitations but in mainland Europe there have been claims that the gown was itself copied from another recent royal wedding. 英国新王妃剑桥公爵夫人的婚纱势必引发一阵模仿潮,但欧...
