• 2016两会代表精彩语录4

    16-03-21 The current education system, which comprises three years in preschool, six years in primary school, six years in middle school, four years as an undergraduate and three years of graduate study, is a bit too long. It's a burden for both students and...

  • Graduate Students

    15-06-23 What does a graduate student with a science degree ask? Why does it work? What does a graduate student with an engineering degree ask? How does it work? What does a graduate student with an accounting degree ask? How much will it cost? What does a g...

  • 社科专业毕业生就业更容易

    13-10-29 Social science graduates are more likely to be in employment after their first degree than graduates in other areas such as science and the arts, and a higher proportion are in managerial and senior official roles, a new report says. The report, by...

  • 英国一毕业生面试时被要求跳舞

    13-09-08 英国一名大学毕业生最近去参加一家电子产品零售旗舰店的销售助理职位集体面试时,面试官没有让应聘者展示任何他们擅长或喜爱的技能或活动,而是要求他们现场跟着播放的歌曲跳舞。 A university graduate says he was left humiliated after being asked to dance to a...

  • 留学申请专业术语2

    11-06-16 Electives:选修;可选本系或旁系、主修或非主修的课。 Enrollment deposit:订金;有些学校会要求被接受的学生付保证金(不退还)以保留位置。 Faculty:全体教授。 Fellowship:奖学金;提供学费,学校生活费给full-time学生。 Financial Aid:财力奖助;包括奖学金(...

  • Difference 区别

    11-03-30 I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class, observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles. When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoo...

  • The Missed Blessings

    10-09-29 A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the...

  • 怎么说“考研”

    10-07-20 今年有140万人参加了1月9日进行的2010年硕士研究生统一入学考试。这项考试在就业寒流中继续升温,报考人数创下2001年以来最高纪录,比上年增长13%。 请看相关报道: The annual national post-graduate entrance examination kicks off on Saturday. There are 1.4 mil...

  • 英国涌现“回巢族” 生活仍需依赖父母

    09-12-12 The rise of the so-called boomerang generation is laid bare in official figures showing that almost one in five graduates in their late 20s now live with their parents. 官方数据显示,目前(英国)有近五分之一年龄在20多岁的大学毕业生和父母同住,由此可...

  • Jobless graduate sues her college over lack of employment 毕

    09-08-08 A jobless graduate has sued her former college for the more than 40,000 she paid in tuition fees after she failed to find work. Trina Thompson, 27, claims Monroe College in New York did not do enough to help her find employment. She is seeking to re...