• 煮鸡蛋的蛋黄表面为什么有时会呈灰绿色

    21-09-10 鸡蛋的吃法有很多,水煮蛋是最常见的一种。水煮蛋烹饪简单,便于食用,高蛋白低热量,是一种健康营养的美味。细心的人可能会发现,煮鸡蛋的蛋黄表面有时会呈灰绿色。这是什么原因?这样的鸡蛋还能吃吗? Some hard-boiled eggs have a gray or green ring of discolora...

  • 潘通发布2021年度趋势色彩:极致灰和荧光黄

    20-12-11 As 2020 nears its tumultuous end, the Pantone Color Institute has taken up its annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead. 2020年即将在一片混乱中走向尾声之时,潘通色彩研究所发布了代表2021年度趋势的色彩。 And, in a dec...

  • 灰色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 灰色 grey; gray 银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom 铁灰 iron grey 铅灰 lividity; leaden grey 碳灰 charcoal grey 驼灰 doe 豆灰 rose dust 藕灰 zephyr 莲灰 elderberry 浅莲灰 pale lilac 鸽子灰 dove grey 鼠灰 stale grey; mouse 蟹灰 storm blue 天灰 sky...

  • gray divorces 灰发离婚

    15-12-08 America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as married couples over the age of 50 split up in unprecedented numbers. 随着50岁以上夫妻分道扬镳的数量空前增多,美国正处于灰发离婚变革的阵痛中。 Although the overall national divorce rate has be...

  • 医学病症词典G(4)

    14-10-30 graphanesthesia 皮肤书写觉丧失 graphethesia 皮肤书写觉 Grashey's aphasia 格腊希失语(遗忘性失语) grasp reflex 强握反射 Grasset's phenomenon 格腊希现象(在不全偏瘫时,患者能将两下肢分别举起,而不能同时举起) Grasset-Gaussel-Hoover sign 格腊希-果塞尔...

  • Naive reasoning 天真的推理

    14-07-09 A man was telling a story to his son, a four-year-old boy. The boy noticed a lock of gray hair on his father's head and asked: Why are some of your gray, papa? Papa will get a gray hair every time his little boy is naughty, said his father, thinking...

  • 治愈白发新方法或将出现

    13-05-05 Hair dye manufacturers are on notice: The cure for gray hair is coming. That's right, the need to cover up one of the classic signs of aging with chemical pigments(颜料) will be a thing of the past thanks to a team of European researchers. In a ne...

  • The King With One Gray Hair 国王的一根白头发

    10-07-28 A very very long time ago, there were people wholived much longer than they do today. They lived many thousand years. At that time, the Enlightenment Being was born as a baby named Makhadeva. He lived 84,000 years as a child and crown prince. At the...
