• 印度比哈尔邦有一个延续700多年的“新郎集市”

    22-09-19 在线约会软件找不到白马王子?你可以去新郎集市看一眼,一手交钱,一手交人。这不是天方夜谭,而是在印度传承了700多年的一项传统。集市上被买卖的新郎都是明码标价,其中从事工程师、医生和政府职员等职业的年轻小伙子最为抢手。 For over 700 years, the Indian stat...

  • Can men be taking to eyebrow-grooming? 英国男人爱上修眉

    09-09-27 Noel Gallagher of Oasis arrives at the Brit Awards in London, February 14, 2007. British men are becoming increasingly interested in having their eyebrows professionally groomed, according to Debenhams department store which plans to hold men-only g...
