• 意怠免患

    15-12-11 According to legend, there was a kind of birds called dais (swallow) on the East China Sea. The Yidais were slow in reaction. They could not fly very high and seemed clumsy and incapable. But when they moved about, they always moved in groups, depen...

  • 幼时丧母对黑猩猩有终身影响

    15-11-19 Wild-caught chimpanzees, who were orphaned and imported from Africa in their early infancy, exhibit an impaired social behaviour also as adults. So far long-term effects of early traumatic experiences on social behaviour were known only for humans a...

  • 猫釉有独特的方法避免近亲繁殖

    15-06-13 Researchers studying banded mongooses in Uganda have discovered that these small mammals are able to discriminate between relatives and non-relatives to avoid inbreeding even when mating within their own closely related social group. Inbreeding can...

  • 人们多以自身特点衡量团体形象

    11-09-04 What does a typical European face look like according to Europeans? It all depends on which European you ask. Germans think the typical European looks more German; Portuguese people think the typical European looks more Portuguese. That's the conclu...
