• 利比亚六名士兵被歹徒杀害

    13-06-16 Six soldiers from an elite Libyan army unit have been killed overnight by masked gunmen in the restive eastern city of Benghazi. 利比亚陆军一个精英部队的六名士兵一夜间在东部城市班加西被蒙面歹徒杀害。 Benghazi has become increasingly unstable amid cl...

  • 四名意大利船员被海盗劫持

    12-12-25 Pirates have kidnapped four sailors after attacking their vessel off Nigeria's coast, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has said. 国际海事局称,海盗在尼日利亚海域袭击一艘船只并绑架了四名船员。 The hostages were foreigners - three of them Itali...
