• 男生发型词汇

    16-02-04 Crew cut 平头 Slicked-back 大背头 Undercut 头顶头发较长、两边和后面剃很短的男生发型 Mohawk 鸡冠头(只留中间一排直立的头发) Fauxhawk 仿鸡冠头(贝克汉姆头) Bowl cut 锅盖头(西瓜太郎头) Rattail 鼠尾辫(脑后留一小撮辫子) Comb over 把一边的头发全都梳...

  • bar-code hairstyle 条形码发型

    14-12-17 Bar-code hairstyle is a term used by Japanese students to describe a style in which a mans last few strands of hair are combed across the top of his head, thus resembling a bar-code pattern. 日本学生用bar-code hairstyle来形容男士将头顶仅有的几缕头发...
