• without a stop 马不停蹄

    22-11-26 马不停蹄,汉语成语,字面意思是马不停止地急促向前跑,比喻不间断地进行。可以翻译为without a stop,without a single halt,continuously等。 例句: 部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地。 The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt....

  • without a single halt 马不停蹄

    21-10-28 马不停蹄,汉语成语,马不停止地急促向前跑(the horse never stops running),比喻不间断地行进。可以翻译为without a single halt,nonstop。 例句: 部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地。 The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt....

  • New US vein execution bid halted 美国新静脉注射执行死刑暂搁

    09-09-19 A second attempt to execute a US man by lethal injection has been temporarily halted by a federal court. 美国联邦政府法院暂时搁置了对一名男子注射致死的第二次尝试。 Execution staff spent two hours trying to find a suitable vein in Romell Broom Murder...

  • Scientists halt epilepsy in mice 科学家阻止老鼠癫痫病的产生

    09-08-04 Scientists have prevented epilepsy caused by a faulty gene from being passed down the generations in mice. 科学家阻止了由错误基因导致的癫痫症在老鼠世代之间的传承。 Myshkin mice can develop severe seizures The key gene, Atp1a3, regulates levels of ch...
