• processed meats 加工肉制品

    16-02-27 Processed meats - such as bacon, sausages and ham - do cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 世界卫生组织称,培根、香肠、火腿等加工肉制品确实会致癌。 加工肉制品(processed meat)指经过盐腌(salted)、风干(dried)、发酵(fe...

  • Charity seeks end to lunchbox ham 慈善机构建议少吃火腿

    09-08-17 Parents have been urged not to put ham and other processed meat into their children's lunchboxes to avoid them developing a cancer risk later in life. 双亲被建议到不要将火腿和其他处理过的肉类食品放入孩子的午餐盒里,这样可以避免他们早年患癌症的风险。...
