• 报纸行业词汇 稿件

    16-08-22 headline 标题 byline (新闻标题下的)记者署名 dateline 电头 * 新闻报道事件发生的时间和地点,有时还包括通讯社的名称,比如:OSLO, May 10 (Xinhua) -- The Norwegian government said on Tuesday it would extend its internal Schengen border controls for an...

  • Facebook:故事标题需要更加具体

    16-08-13 Facebook is taking another stab at reducing the amount of clickbait in your news feed. Facebook正在为减少信息流中的标题党做新的尝试。 These are headlines that intentionally leave out crucial information, forcing people to click to find out the answe...
