• 中国中北部地区遭热浪袭击

    15-07-15 An intense heatwave has baked swathes of central and northern China with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius on Monday. 一股强烈的热浪袭击中国中北部地区,周一该地区气温超40摄氏度。 Chief forecaster of National Meteorological Center Ma Xuekuan...

  • 美国多州爆发热浪 数十人死亡

    12-07-09 At least 42 people have died in a heatwave that has brought soaring temperatures to a dozen US states from the Midwest to the East Coast. 美国中西部至东海岸几个州气温猛增,热浪造成至少42人死亡。 Crops shrivelled(皱缩的) and roads and railway lines...

  • 印度近期持续遭遇热浪袭击

    10-04-24 印度官员18日称,印度近期持续遭遇热浪袭击,首都新德里17日最高气温接近44摄氏度,创下52年以来4月气温新高;4月份全国至少有80人死于高温天气。 An Indian woman covers her head with a stole on a hot day in New Delhi on April 16. India sizzled Monday in a he...
