• 撩妹

    22-05-23 1 hit on sb 这个短语有挑逗的意味,口语中使用频率很高,和撩妹意思较为相近,所以撩妹可以是hit on a girl,撩汉子就是hit on a guy。 看看Urban Dictionary的定义: Trying to get someone to like you by flirting with them. 通过调情,试图让对方喜欢上你。 例句...

  • hit the sack 上床休息

    22-05-11 (To) Hit the sack 和hit the book一样,这个俚语字面意思是敲击麻布袋,但事实上,它的意思是上床休息,你可以用这个词向你的朋友或家人表示你真的很累,想睡觉了。除此之外,你还可以用hit the hay表达这层意思。 Its time for me to hit the sack, Im so tired. 是...

  • hit the books 学习

    22-05-11 (To) Hit the books 从字面意思看,它表示撞击正在阅读的书籍,然而, 这个俚语在学生群体中十分常见,特别是美国那些功课繁重的大学生。它仅仅表达学习的意思,而且是一种告诉你的伙伴自己要学习的方式,可用在期末考试、期中考试甚至是一场英语测试时。 Sorry but I...

  • hit it off 一拍即合

    22-01-22 一拍即合,汉语成语,意思是一打拍子就合上了曲子的节奏;比喻一相遇即十分合适、融洽,也比喻因情意相投,一下子就说到一起或结合在一起。与英文俗语hit it off意思相近,表示form an immediate, positive connection with someone;quickly become good friends with...

  • hit the big time 大获成功

    22-01-07 big time指巨大成功,hit有命中、击中的意思。所以hit the big time的意思是:大获成功。 After Tony hit the big time, he bought a luxury car. 托尼大获成功后,购买了一辆豪车。 He hit the big time with films such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing. 他因《人鬼情未...

  • hit out 抨击

    21-12-20 当你 hit out at 某人或某件事情时,意思是你在言论上抨击对方。 例句 The MP hit out at the journalists who criticised the governments policy. My friend hit out at everyone when she discovered she wasnt invited to the party. The singer used her website...

  • to hit it off (with someone) 一见如故

    21-12-14 有时候我们对刚认识的人会产生一见如故的感觉,这可能是因为大家有同样的兴趣爱好。这时可以用hit it off这个表达来形容大家很投缘。 例句 We hit it off with each other as soon as we met. We both really like the theatre and opera and when our friends introdu...

  • hit a home run 全胜

    21-12-08 hit a home run的意思是to succeed with something,全胜。 例句: He finally hit a home run. 他终于成功了。...

  • close to home 戳到痛点

    21-12-08 如果有人跟你发生争执时说close to home,你可不要以为对方说的是吵不过想回家。 close to home可以翻译为affecting one personally and intimately,戳到痛点。 too close to home就是说事情触及痛处,形容让人切身体会的问题/事情。 因此,与人沟通时,如果对方某句...

  • hit the books 用功读书,读很多东西

    21-12-06 某一天我遇到外教Tim,他急匆匆地赶去了图书馆,他说Im gonna hit the books.我一听,怎么?你要去撞书?我就赶紧拦下了他,忙问:Whats wrong with you? Are you gonna hurt yourself?(你怎么了?你会自伤自己吗?)Tim急忙解释说,I mean I have to study hard beca...