• 上海房管局否认限制买房谣言

    16-08-30 Shanghai housing authorities have denied reports that theyre considering new restrictions on buying homes, saying they will be sticking to the existing rules to ensure the stability of the market, according to Shanghai municiple governments official...

  • 上海将增加小型住宅数量

    16-02-24 The municipal government in Shanghai is planning to increase the number of small-sized apartments in the city. 上海市政府计划增加市内小型住宅的数量。 Plans are in place to make homes below 90-square meters have to make up at least 7 out of every 10...

  • 美国家庭内常见的节肢动物种类异常丰富

    16-01-20 The first study to evaluate the biodiversity of arthropods in U.S. homes finds that humans share their houses with any of more than 500 different kinds of arthropods - at least on a short-term basis. Arthropods are invertebrate animals with exoskele...

  • 天津制定爆炸受损房屋回购价

    15-09-10 The district government in Tianjin's Binhai New Area has set a repurchase price for homes damaged in last month's deadly blasts at the Port of Tianjin. 天津市滨海新区政府对上个月天津港爆炸案中受损的房屋制定了回购价格。 Homes damaged in the massive b...

  • 家中灰尘可以预测居住者所在区域与性别

    15-08-27 The humble dust collecting in the average American household harbors a teeming menagerie of bacteria and fungi, and as researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and North Carolina State University have discovered, it may be able to predict...