• 维生素D "阳光维生素"

    22-12-12 多年前,科学家就发现晒太阳可以补充维生素D。当人体皮肤表层的7-脱氢胆固醇遇到阳光里的紫外线后,就会生成这种维生素。人体内源性维生素D约80%在皮肤表皮合成,仅20%从食物中摄取,所以维生素D也被称为阳光维生素。 The connection between sunlight and bone health...

  • 如何“训练”自己的大脑来入睡

    22-03-22 春眠不觉晓,然而许多现代人却饱受失眠的困扰,夜夜辗转反侧。睡眠专家指出,其实人们可以训练自己的大脑来入睡。 1. Make a schedule, and stick to it 每天在固定时间起床和上床 Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body to regulate when you get sleepy and w...

  • 巧克力中含有可提高性欲的激素

    17-02-06 A hormone found in chocolate could be the mental Viagra that helps to get couples in the mood for sex. 在巧克力中发现一种堪称精神伟哥的激素,可以让爱侣们性欲大增。 Kisspeptin, which is found in chocolate, is the hormone in the brain which kickstarts...

  • 在男性多的环境下工作有害女性身体健康

    15-09-01 Ladies, take note: a new study has found that working in a male-heavy environment is bad for you. 女士们,请注意:一项新研究发现,在男性多的环境下工作有害女性身体健康。 Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington found that in industries which a...

  • 蜘蛛毒液由类胰岛荷尔蒙进化而来

    15-06-15 Funnel-web spider venom contains powerful neurotoxins that instantly paralyze prey (usually insects). Millions of years ago, however, this potent poison was just a hormone that helped ancestors of these spiders regulate sugar metabolism, similar to...

  • 荷尔蒙流失可能与结肠癌有关

    14-10-14 Some cancers, like breast and prostate cancer, are driven by hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, but to date, there are none that are driven by the lack of a hormone. New evidence suggests that human colon cells may become cancerous when the...

  • 植物激素对花的形成有双重作用

    14-05-09 Flowers aren't just pretty to look at, they are how plants reproduce. In agricultural plants, the timing and regulation of flower formation has economic significance, affecting a crop's yield. A new paper by researchers at the University of Pennsylv...