• host 东道主

    21-11-15 2022年北京冬季奥运会(the Winter Olympic Games)将于2022年2月4日至20日在北京市和河北省张家口市联合举行,这是中国首次成为冬奥会东道主。 东道主,原指东方道路上的主人,因历史上郑国在秦国之东,接待秦国出使东方的使节,故称东道主。现在泛指请客或接待的人(...

  • 2019艾美奖不设主持人

    19-08-13 Like the Oscars before it, the upcoming 71st Emmy Awards ceremony will go on without a celebrity host. 就像之前的奥斯卡一样,即将举行的第71届艾美奖颁奖典礼将不会有明星主持人。 Fox Entertainment CEO Charlie Collier said Wednesday that going host-less...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 中

    16-01-16 America Always: Wait for the host to sit down before you take your seat. Never: Blow on your food. Egypt Always: Keep pouring tea until it spills over into the saucer. Never: Look at someone else's dinner. Spain Always: Use silverware, as eating wit...

  • guest host 嘉宾主持

    15-07-13 Guests of TV programs will no longer be allowed to be employed as presenters, according to a circular issued by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. 国家新闻出版广电总局日前下发通知,电视节目的嘉宾不得行使主持...

  • 白色念珠菌会掌握时机向人体发起进攻

    12-07-25 The opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans(白色念珠菌) inconspicuously(难以觉察地) lives in our bodies until it senses that we are weak, when it quickly adapts to go on the offensive. The fungus, known for causing yeast and other minor i...

  • 植物如何对付寄生虫和病菌

    12-03-07 In nature, how do host species survive parasite attacks? This has not been well understood, until now. A new mathematical model shows that when a host and its parasite each have multiple traits governing their interaction, the host has a unique evol...

  • DeGeneres joins Idol judging team 名主持DeGeneres加入Idol节

    09-09-11 US chat show host Ellen DeGeneres is to become the fourth judge on American Idol, taking over the spot recently vacated by singer Paula Abdul. 美国访谈节目主持Ellen DeGeneres将要成为American Idol的第四位评判,接替歌手Paula Abdul空出来的位置。 Abdul...

  • 主办城市 host city

    09-08-30 继绿色奥运之后,中国又将呈现给世人一届绿色世博。联合国环境规划署近日发布了上海环境友好型世博会评估报告,并指出,上海世博会不仅能让参观者感受到人类社会的进步和未来的发展趋势,还将让大家体验一个充满绿色的未来。 请看新华社的报道: Shanghai, the host ci...
