• Hostage lunch 人质午餐

    14-04-07 Hostage lunch is meal purchased by the company, often pizza, and delivered for employees who bosses require them to attend a meeting or work over their lunch hour. 人质午餐是公司给员工买的快餐,通常是比萨,因为老板需要员工在午餐时间开会或工作。 Exam...

  • 阿尔及利亚军方包围伊斯兰挟持者

    13-01-17 Algerian troops have surrounded a gas facility in the east of the country where foreign workers are being held hostage by Islamist militants. 阿尔及利亚军方包围了国内东部一座天然气设施,该设施中的外国工人被伊斯兰激进分子挟持。 The kidnappers occupie...

  • 塔利班释放在马里绑架的意大利夫妇

    10-04-18 An Italian couple who were being held hostage in the west African country of Mali by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been released. 在西非国家马里被塔利班劫持的一对意大利夫妇日期已被释放。 In December, AQIM published a picture purportedly of Mr...

  • 美国弗吉尼亚州某男子劫持人质案戏剧性结束

    09-12-24 A man suspected of taking hostages in a post office in the US state of Virginia has been arrested after a stand-off lasting several hours, police say. 美国弗吉尼亚州某男子涉嫌在一座邮局挟持人质,在经历数小时的僵持之后被逮捕。 The suspected hostage t...

  • 阿富汗释放三名被扣押的记者

    09-12-17 A foreign correspondent writing for the UK's Guardian newspaper and two Afghan journalists held hostage for six days in Afghanistan have been released. 被阿富汗扣押六天的英国卫报驻外国记者以及另外两名阿富汗记者获释。 The region is considered one of...

  • Pirates urge Spain to free pair 索马里海盗逼迫西班牙政府释放

    09-10-13 Somali pirates holding a Spanish fishing boat and its crew hostage have said they will only negotiate their release if colleagues are freed. 索马里海盗挟持了一艘西班牙渔船和全体船员,声称只有释放他们的同伙才有机会谈判。 The Alakrana was captured in...

  • Pakistan militants take hostages 巴基斯坦武装分子劫持人质

    09-10-10 Insurgents who attacked Pakistan's military HQ near Islamabad have taken 10 to 15 security personnel hostage, the army says. 巴基斯坦军队称,袭击伊斯兰堡附近军事总部的武装人员劫持了10到15名安全人员作为人质。 Military officials say the attackers are...

  • Somalia hostage tells of escape 索马里人质讲述逃生故事

    09-08-27 A French security adviser seized by Islamist militants in Somalia has told the BBC how he escaped from his captors without a struggle while they slept. 一位在索马里被回族教徒武装力量扣押的法国安全顾问向BBC讲述了他是如何在扣押者睡着的情况下安全逃出。...
