• 湿度大为什么会感觉更热

    22-08-15 三伏天是一年中最难熬的日子,不仅是因为三伏天气温高,还因为三伏天湿度大。空气中的湿度大为什么会让我们感觉更热呢? Humidity refers to the amount of water contained in the air. As the airs temperature changes, so does the amount of water the air can ho...

  • 人们 “在潮湿天更容易感觉疼痛”

    20-11-21 一项研究显示,患有关节炎等长期健康问题的人在潮湿的天气里更容易感到疼痛。民间流传,寒冷会使疼痛更严重,但实际上人们对这类天气的影响研究甚少。曼彻斯特大学的这项研究分析了从2500人的智能手机上收集来的数据,结果发现,在温暖潮湿的日子里,疼痛的症状其实更...

  • 利用石墨烯量子点测量湿度与气压

    13-05-09 The latest research from a Kansas State University chemical engineer may help improve humidity and pressure sensors, particularly those used in outer space. Vikas Berry, William H. Honstead professor of chemical engineering, and his research team ar...
