• MONA LISA hypothesis 蒙娜丽莎综合症

    16-03-30 蒙娜丽莎综合症--- MONA LISA hypothesis 是取英语Most Obesities kNown Are Low In Sympathetic Activity(意即大多数的肥胖是由交感神经不够活跃而造成的)的首字母而拼成的名字。换言之,瘦不下去是因为消耗人体热量的交感神经活动低下。 Obesity is considered a w...

  • 超级计算:纯数学的计算之路

    12-11-07 A world-famous mathematician responsible for solving one of the subject's most challenging problems has published his latest work as a University of Leicester research report. This follows the visit that famed mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich made to...
