• ill和sick

    22-03-22 它们的词义相似,但是用法不同:ill更常用在正式语境下,描述一种长期性的疾病;而sick则没那么正式,通常用来描述急症或小病症。 如果是反胃恶心,想要呕吐,要用sick。在书写领域,美国人更常用没那么正式的sick,而英国人偏好使用正式的ill。 sick可以用来修饰名词...

  • ill-gotten money 赃款

    12-01-30 South China's Guangdong province may reward those who report corruption according to the amount of ill-gotten money involved in the case, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,广东省将对举报贪官的人予以奖励,奖金具体数额将与追赃金额挂钩。 文中的ill-...

  • 调查:女性请病假 借口多尴尬

    11-01-29 Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey. 一项新调查显示,女性请病假的次数比男性多,而且她们更乐意为临时请假编造令人尴尬的借口。 Research ca...

  • Pakistani Taliban's leader 'ill' 巴基斯坦塔利班领袖“患病”

    09-08-10 The Pakistani Taliban's leader Baitullah Mehsud is gravely ill, his top aide has told the BBC. 巴基斯坦塔利班领导人Baitullah Mehsud的最高助手告诉BBC,Baitullah病情非常严重。 Baitullah Mehsud has been blamed for suicide attacks on Western forces Maul...
