• a figment of somebody's imagination 某人凭空想象的东西

    21-07-12 A figment of somebodys imagination 的意思是一个人凭空想象的事物。它着重强调虽然一个人觉得某事物是真实的,但其在现实中并不存在,仅仅是臆造的东西。它可用于描述人、人的思想和事物。 例句 A: Do you think Mary is interested in me? A: 你觉得玛莉是不是对我...

  • 人的想象力从何而来

    13-09-17 Philosophers and scientists have long puzzled over where human imagination comes from. In other words, what makes humans able to create art, invent tools, think scientifically and perform other incredibly diverse behaviors? The answer, Dartmouth res...
