• figure-hugging 紧身

    22-02-14 Figure这个词有形体的意思,figure-hugging是紧贴着身体的,贴合身材的,跟中文的贴身在思维方式上很贴近。 Figure-hugging是英式英语的用法,美式英语里常用form-fitting或者formfitting。 还有一个意思相近的词close-fitting,表示非常合身,比如a close-fitting jac...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 9 Theory

    22-01-21 Can I ask just one more? I pleaded as Edward accelerated much tooquickly down the quiet street. He didnt seem to be paying any attentionto the road. He sighed. One, he agreed. His lips pressed together into a cautious line. Well you said you knew I...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 5 Blood Type

    22-01-21 I made my way to English in a daze. I didnt even realize when I firstwalked in that class had already started. Thank you for joining us, Miss Swan, Mr. Mason said in a disparagingtone. I flushed and hurried to my seat. It wasnt till class ended that...

  • fashion victim 时装奴

    21-12-28 如果形容一个人是 A fashion victim 那么就意味着这个人是个被流行牵着鼻子走的人,时装奴。 例句 Look at Dave. Hes wearing ridiculous skinny jeans and a leather jacket even though hes 50. Hes such a fashion victim. Does this purple Mohican suit me? I know...

  • 我穿这件衣服好看吗?

    21-05-30 1. What do you think about this suit? 你觉得这套西装怎么样? 想具体问他人对一件衣服的看法时,可以说:What do you think about/of?在about或of的后面应该加衣物的英文名称。 2. Can I get away with this colour? 我穿这个颜色还过得去吗? 搭配get away with so...

  • 24K黄金狗夹克 价值13.7万美元

    18-03-30 How much do you really love your pet dog? Enough to buy it the worlds first 24K gold jacket encrusted with Swarovski crystals and black diamonds? Its only $137,000 and its armored, meaning it will protect your pooch from bites and even knife slashes...