• 金牛座 Taurus

    22-05-26 persistent 坚持不懈的 placid 温和的 jealous 嫉妒心强 possessive 占有欲强的 resentful 爱生气 inflexible 固执 self-indulgent 任性 greedy 贪婪...

  • jealousy和envy

    21-10-12 说到嫉妒,我们通常会用jealousy和envy来表示。但是什么时候用jealousy,什么时候用envy呢?二者之间的区别你了解吗? When your partner tells you their ex, whom they havent seen in years, is coming to town, you graciously offer to host them for dinner. Aft...

  • 年轻人最爱嫉妒彼此

    15-11-18 Older women have often been portrayed as green-eyed monsters, envying the young and hankering after their own lost looks. 年纪大的女人通常都被描述成爱嫉妒的人,她们嫉妒年轻女子,渴望拥有自己曾经的姣好容貌。 But it is actually the young who are the m...

  • 狗会表现出嫉妒行为

    14-07-24 This will not surprise most dog owners: Dogs can act jealous, finds a new study from the University of California, San Diego. Darwin thought so, too. But emotion researchers have been arguing for years whether jealousy requires complex cognition. An...

  • 成功人士对嫉妒自己的人更友善

    10-12-14 Successful people are nicer to those who are jealous of them, psychologists have found. 心理学家发现,成功人士对那些嫉妒他们的人更友善。 The fear that they may become the target of malicious(恶意的) envy makes people act more helpfully toward peop...
