• 激进环保人士的破坏目标又转向了木乃伊

    22-11-26 继梵高的《向日葵》、莫奈的《干草堆》、约翰内斯维米尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》接连被破坏,激进环保人士的目标又转向了木乃伊。 据多家外媒报道,11月13日,来自西班牙活动组织未来植物(Futuro Vegetal)的气候活动家破坏了巴塞罗那埃及博物馆的木乃伊复制品陈列柜,...

  • do justice to something 成功完成,适当处理

    22-05-09 Do justice to something Definition: do successfully and with honor, complete in a befitting manner 定义:成功完成,适当处理 I think that painting doesnt do justice to him. 我觉得那幅画不适合他。 Alice really did justice to the presentation. 爱丽丝的...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 20

    21-03-17 Jane Fairfax was an orphan, the only child of Mrs. Batess youngest daughter. The marriage of Lieut. Fairfax of the regiment of infantry, and Miss Jane Bates, had had its day of fame and pleasure, hope and interest; but nothing now remained of it, sa...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 7

    20-12-20 While Rose was making discoveries and having experiences, Phebe was doing the same in a quieter way, but though they usually compared notes during the bedtime tete-a-tete which always ended their day, certain topics were never mentioned, so each had...

  • 得道多助,失道寡助

    20-10-29 得道多助,失道寡助,出自《孟子公孙丑下》。道即道义、正义(morality and justice)。中国人自古推崇道义,认为道义是决定战争或事业成败的根本力量。 得道多助,失道寡助意思是只有奉行道义,才能赢得内部的团结一致、赢得民心(only by upholding justice can one...

  • act bravely for a just cause 见义勇为

    20-09-22 见义勇为是中华民族自古崇尚的优良品格和行为。无论古今,见义勇为都是一种良好的社会道德风尚,是社会文明进步的重要标志。 见义勇为,汉语成语,出自《论语为政》,见义不为,无勇也(One who does nothing when encountering injustice is a coward),意思是看到正...