• 牙医为一只考拉制作义肢

    21-03-25 Its an unlikely story but an Australian dentist has made the worlds first prosthetic foot for a koala. 这是一个难以置信的故事:一位澳大利亚牙医制作了世界上首个给考拉用的义肢。 Jon Doulman, Dental Prosthetist My names Jon Doulman and Im a prosthetist...

  • 2050年考拉将在新南威尔士州灭绝

    20-11-17 一项调查发现,如果不采取紧急行动,到2050年,考拉将在澳大利亚新南威尔士州灭绝。去年,据澳大利亚考拉基金会(Australian Koala Foundation)的估算,澳大利亚仅剩下不到8万只考拉。 The future of the koala and what is an important home is at stake. Cate Faeh...

  • 萌酷的考拉

    20-09-01 When you think of a cute, furry wild animal, you often picture a koala. These adorable-looking creatures appear docile and friendly, so its no wonder people are concerned about the future of the species after the devastating bushfires that destroyed...

  • koala diplomacy 考拉外交

    15-01-12 Australia arranged a warm and fuzzy welcome for the world's most powerful leaders at this weekend's G20 summit with a campaign dubbed koala diplomacy , in which top politicians cuddled the shy native marsupials. 主办二十国集团(G20)峰会的澳大利亚日前...

  • 桉树叶子毒素与营养成分影响考拉分布

    14-12-04 Koala population distribution may be influenced by eucalyptus leaf toxin and nutrient content, especially in areas with low-quality food options, according to a study published December 3, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Eleanor Stalenbe...
