• 雄性考拉提高音调避免同性竞争

    15-07-14 A team of international scientists has tracked the love lives of koalas, uncovering some curious behaviours and finding that male koalas make their distinct bellows to avoid confrontation with competitors. The University of Queensland's Dr Bill Elli...

  • G20峰会各国领导纷纷同考拉亲密接触

    14-11-21 World leaders arrived at the G20 summit in Australia this weekend to help resolve serious global crises - but they stayed for the koalas. 2014年11月15日至16日,世界各国领导人飞赴澳大利亚参加G20峰会,共同商讨解决重大的全球危机。与会期间,领导人纷纷同...

  • 古代考拉:喧吵、懒惰、不食树胶

    09-12-20 Skull头盖骨,脑壳 fragments of prehistoric陈旧的,史前的 koalas from the Riversleigh rainforests of millions of year ago suggest they shared the modern koala's lazy lifestyle and ability to produce loud bellowing吼叫声,轰鸣声 calls to attract mates...
