• hang up lanterns and put up decorations 张灯结彩

    21-02-18 春节临近,大街小巷张灯结彩,家家户户都洋溢着浓浓的年味。张灯结彩,汉语成语,意思是张挂彩灯、彩带等,形容场面喜庆、热闹。可以翻译为be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers,hang up lanterns and put up decorations。 例句: 街头到处张灯结彩,锣...

  • 故宫天灯拍出1060万

    19-04-03 A pair of historically accurate Heavenly Lanterns (tian deng) created by the Palace Museum sold for 10.6 million yuan (1.58 million U.S. dollars) at a charity auction Tuesday. 故宫制作的一对完全符合历史的天灯周二在一场慈善拍卖会上以1060万元(158万美...
