• 冰岛一座火山喷发 游客前来观赏

    22-11-25 This volcano in Iceland has erupted spewing red-hot lava and plumes into the air. 冰岛这座火山喷发,向空中涌射出赤热的熔岩和烟雾。 Its located less than 1km away from Mount Fagradalsfjall, the volcano that erupted for six months last year. 喷发地距...

  • 嫦娥五号月球科研样品最新研究成果发布

    21-10-22 月球上火山活动何时停止?曾经的岩浆活动如何维持?月球内部有多少水?10月19日,中国科学院发布了嫦娥五号月球科研样品最新研究成果,对上述问题进行了解答。 An analysis of moon rocks brought back to Earth by Chinas Change 5 mission suggests the samples are...

  • 超级火山喷发时火山灰能变成岩浆

    13-08-28 Supervolcanoes, such as the one sitting dormant(休眠的,静止的) under Yellowstone National Park, are capable of producing eruptions thousands of times more powerful than normal volcanic eruptions. While they only happen every several thousand year...

  • 民主刚果火山爆发 威胁珍稀黑猩猩生存

    10-01-03 Lava from a volcano in a sparsely populated area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is threatening rare chimpanzees, wildlife officials say. 民主刚果野生动物保护官员称,境内爆发的火山岩浆正威胁着稀有黑猩猩的生存。 Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles)...
