• Midi

    14-09-04 Midi Les Murray Muscles and torsoes of cloud ascended over the mountains. The fields looked like high speed so new-mown was the hay, then the dark blue Italian lavender met overhead, a strange maize deeply planted as mass javelins in the hoed floor...

  • marriage of convenience 形式婚姻

    14-03-27 A marriage of convenience is a marriage contracted for reasons other than the reasons of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose, such as political marriage. I...

  • Lavender language 同性恋语言

    12-04-24 Lavender language functions as a kind of homosexual code, characterised by acronyms, plays on words and double meanings only intended to be understood by the gay community. Lavender language相当于一种同性恋密码,以使用缩略字、文字游戏以及双关语为特...
