• 肯尼迪遗孀生前采访

    23-01-29 肯尼迪总统遗孀杰奎琳-肯尼迪在肯尼迪总统被刺杀仅4个月后录制的一段录音采访内容近日被公开。在长达8小时的磁带中,美国最著名的第一夫人透露了她对一些人的看法。 In the eight hours of relaxed chat between Jacqueline Kennedy and an historian some candid mome...

  • 习近平主席2018年菲律宾之行

    22-06-20 Filipino entrepreneur Wilson Lee Flores can still recall the first time he saw President Xi Jinping in person. It was in November 2018 at a dinner in Manila held in honor of the first Chinese leader to visit the Philippines in 13 years. 菲律宾企业家...

  • leader of the pack 领头者

    21-12-20 短语 the leader of the pack 的意思是领头者,起领头作用。 例句 Bradley Wiggins is the leader of the pack in the Tour de France! For many, Madonna is seen at the leader of the pack in the world of female pop stars. 请注意 短语 a pack mentality 的意思...