• 《头脑特工队》第7章

    22-09-02 Chapter 7 BLAM! Joy shot out of the tube and landed in a basket of memories. Sadness fell out next, crashing hard against the ground next to Joy. The core memories rolled in different directions. Joy frantically gathered them up. One, two, three oka...

  • be out of your league 高不可攀,高不可及

    22-02-28 be out of your league 意思是高不可攀,高不可及。 He was so good-looking and so popular that I felt he was out of my league. 他英俊潇洒招人喜欢,我觉得自己配不上他。 pull together 的意思是齐心协力,通力合作。 We dont have much time but if we all pull...

  • 中国共产党成立100周年庆祝大会在天安门广场隆重举行

    21-07-02 7月1日上午,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行。寓意建党百年的100响礼炮创下新中国历次活动之最。空中梯队飞行庆祝表演中,71架战机列阵长空,飞向天安门广场,向党送上生日祝福。 A grand gathering celebrating the centenary of the Communi...

  • 上海钻石联赛苏炳海夺100米冠军

    17-05-15 Chinas star sprinter Su Bingtian claimed the mens 100m title at the Shanghai Diamond League on Saturday. 中国明星短跑选手苏炳海上周六在上海钻石联赛中夺得男子100米冠军。 After two false starts that seen Isiah Young of USA and Japans Yoshihide Kiryu d...
