• 校园常用习语 上

    22-07-27 1. A for effort! Recognizing that someone tried hard to accomplish something although they might not have been successful. 某人尽管努力了但是还是没有成功。 Example: The cake didnt turn out like she had planned, but I give her an A for effort! 例子:...

  • 几个暑期小点子

    21-07-26 Travel 无论是刚刚考试结束还是刚做完年中的项目,你难道不想出门走走吗? Who doesnt want to take a dream trip to mega cities like Shanghai and Beijing or a road trip to Tibet? If youve had traveling on your mind, a plan-free summer is the perfect time...

  • cram for 考前抱佛脚

    21-05-10 搭配 cram for something 的意思是 在短时间内学习大量知识,突击复习,多用来形容为了应付考试,临阵抱佛脚的做法。动词 cram 的本意是 填满、塞进,这里,它比喻 快速地往脑子里塞入很多内容、死记硬背。 例句 Susan cant come out with us tonight because she need...

  • learn something by heart 牢记于心

    21-05-09 搭配 learn something by heart 用心学某事 的含义是 记住某事,即 凭记忆背下来。人们也用 learn something off by heart 表示相同的意思。 例句 She had learnt her presentation off by heart; she didnt look at her notes once! 她把这次演讲要说的话都背下来了,...

  • 取长补短

    21-04-16 取长补短,汉语成语,意思是吸取别人的长处,来弥补自己的不足之处。可以翻译为draw on others strong points to offset ones own weaknesses,make up for ones deficiencies by learning from others strong points。 例句: 我们应当互相学习,取长补短。 We should...

  • Little Women - Chapter 9

    20-09-27 I do think it was the most fortunate thing in the world that those children should have the measles just now, said Meg, one April day, as she stood packing the go abroady trunk in her room, surrounded by her sisters. And so nice of Annie Moffat not...

  • Mistakes

    15-07-23 Mistakes and errors are the disciplined true which we advance in life. Mistakes are great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are able to learn from those mi...

  • 平板电脑可对新生儿大脑产生更多刺激

    15-06-19 Babies should be given iPads as soon as they are born to help them learn, according to scientists. 科学家称,孩子一出生,就应该给他们iPad,以帮助他们学习。 New research by the University of London found that using tablets provides more stimulation f...

  • 机器人通过试验和错误能学习新技能

    15-05-25 Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed algorithms that enable robots to learn motor tasks through trial and error using a process that more closely approximates the way humans learn, marking a major milestone in the fi...