• 祁连山国家公园发现雪豹

    19-05-28 Several wild animals including snow leopards have recently been seen in Qilian Mountain National Park in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, according to the park administration. 青海祁连山国家公园管理处表示,最近在园区发现几种濒危动物,其中包括雪豹...

  • 西藏东部首次发现雪豹

    17-12-18 Images of snow leopards were caught for the first time in eastern parts of southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region. 中国西藏自治区东部首次发现雪豹的踪迹。 A total of 20 infrared cameras installed at a 100 square kilometers area in the Nujiang River...

  • 100多头雪豹生活在乌鲁木齐附近

    17-05-08 More than 100 snow leopards are estimated to be living in mountainous areas of Urumqi in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 据估计,大约有100多头雪豹生活在新疆乌鲁木齐附近山区。 The estimate is based on studies of about 10,000 photos...

  • 河南云台山发现金钱豹踪迹

    16-02-18 It appears an endangered leopard and her two cubs were spotted in the Yuntai Mountain area in central China's Henan Province. 中国中部省区河南云台山似乎发现了一只濒危金钱豹与两只幼仔的踪迹。 A photo was captured on Monday by a man surnamed Qian, who...

  • 中国东北发现远东豹踪迹

    12-04-26 The first-known camera trap photos of an Amur leopard in China have recently been taken by protected area staff in Hunchun Amur Tiger National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Coupled with Jilin Provin...

  • 阿富汗境内发现雪豹踪迹

    11-07-14 The Wildlife Conservation Society has discovered a surprisingly healthy population of rare snow leopards living in the mountainous reaches of northeastern Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor, according to a new study. The discovery gives hope to the world...

  • 豹身上为何会有斑点

    10-10-21 Why do leopards have rosette(莲座丛) shaped markings but tigers have stripes? Rudyard Kipling suggested that it was because the leopard moved to an environment full of trees and bushes and stripy, speckly, patchy-blatchy shadows but is there any t...
