• 美国概况 2

    21-10-09 1. _____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A. Washington D. C. B. Los Angeles C. San Francisco D. New York City 2. _____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions. A. Blacks B. Hispanics C. Indians D. Asian Americans...

  • to be at liberty to do something 不受约束地做某事

    21-08-19 To be at liberty to do something 表示一个人可以自由地、随意地、不受约束地做某事。 例句 Some companies keep information about salaries confidential, and lower-rank managers are not at liberty to discuss them. This is a free country! Im at liberty to...

  • “贸易自由化”翻译

    11-02-17 做经济类的翻译时,常常会碰到贸易自由化这个词。但凡看到自由二字,大家第一个想到的就是free或freedom,随后即便知道了trade liberalization这种翻译,至多就是恍然大悟地想起自由还有liberty一说,但很少有人去深究liberty 和freedom 究竟有什么区别。 在大部分情况...
