• 研究人员发现光穿透金属的新方法

    12-03-28 Helping bridge the gap between photonics(光电) and electronics, researchers from Purdue University have coaxed a thin film of titanium nitride(氮化物) into transporting plasmons, tiny electron excitations coupled to light that can direct and man...

  • 极速声波图可用于研究快速相变

    12-03-09 An international team of physicists has developed a method for taking ultrafast sonograms(声波图) that can track the structural changes that take place within solid materials in trillionth-of-a-second intervals as they go through an important phys...

  • 现代通信技术受制于光学非线性效果

    12-03-08 Many of the communication tools of today rely on the function of light or, more specifically, on applying information to a light wave. Up until now, studies on electronic and optical devices with materials that are the foundations of modern electron...

  • 中微子与光 谁的速度快?

    12-02-25 欧洲核子研究中心去年9月在实验中发现,中微子速度快过光速大约每秒6公里,驳倒爱因斯坦相对论中没有物质可以快过光速的理论。如今显示这个实验结果有误,原因是一条连接全球定位接收器和计算机的光纤电缆出现了松动。 The world of science was upended last year whe...

  • I can not see it at all 我根本就看不见

    12-01-19 After supper, the parents were busy playing mah-jong with the guests. At this point the mother thought of something and said to her son who was watching TV, Honey, go see if the kitchen light is on or not? After a while, her son returned and said, M...

  • 每个恒星都有行星围绕

    12-01-12 Every star twinkling in the night sky plays host to at least one planet, a new study suggests. 一项新研究显示,夜空中闪烁的每个恒星都至少拥有一个行星。 That implies there are some 10 billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy. Using a technique calle...

  • 仙女座星系发现超亮蓝色恒星

    12-01-12 Peering deep inside the hub of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a large, rare population of hot, bright stars. Blue is typically an indicator of hot, young stars. In this case, however, the stellar odditi...

  • An Inhabitant Of Carcosa 4

    11-12-28 A sudden wind pushed some dry leaves and twigs(小枝) from the uppermost(至上的) face of the stone; I saw the low relief letters of an inscription(题词,铭文) and bent to read it. God in heaven! My name in full! -- the date of my birth! -- the...

  • 涂抹式太阳能电池有望问世

    11-12-23 Imagine if the next coat of paint you put on the outside of your home generates electricity from light -- electricity that can be used to power the appliances and equipment on the inside. A team of researchers at the University of Notre Dame has mad...

  • 科学家成功在真空中生成光线

    11-11-20 Scientists at Chalmers have succeeded in creating light from vacuum(真空) -- observing an effect first predicted over 40 years ago. In an innovative experiment, the scientists have managed to capture some of the photons that are constantly appeari...