• Difference 区别

    16-05-06 Jane: What is the difference between electricity and lighting? Mary: One must pay electricity dues, the other neednt. 简:电与闪电有什么区别? 玛丽:一个收电费,一个不收费。...

  • 飞利浦LED灯具销量大增

    13-04-22 Philips, the world's biggest lighting maker, has reported a 38% jump in first quarter LED sales from a year earlier. 世界上最大的照明设备生产商飞利浦的报告显示,2013第一季度LED灯具销量比前一年增长38%。 The pricey but long-life and energy-efficient b...

  • 闪电可能引发头痛

    13-01-28 University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have found that lightning may affect the onset of headache and migraines(偏头痛) . These results, published in the Jan. 24, 2013 online edition of the journal Cephalalgia, are the first tying lightning to...

  • 量子点点亮照明界的前景

    12-05-09 With the age of the incandescent light(白炽灯) bulb fading rapidly, the holy grail of the lighting industry is to develop a highly efficient form of solid-state lighting that produces high quality white light. One of the few alternative technologi...

  • 研究人员砝码新式OLED光源

    11-11-02 In this month's edition of Physics World, Paul Blom and Ton van Mol from the Holst Centre in Eindhoven describe a way of creating thin, flexible sheets of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) using a cheap, newspaper-style roll-to-roll printing pro...

  • 男性户外活动多 更易受雷击

    11-07-03 美国最新的一项研究显示,1995年到2008年期间美国遭雷劈死亡的648人中,男性占82%,研究人员表示,男性遭雷击的概率远高于女性的原因主要与他们的行为习惯有关。 Men, that last game of touch football is just not worth it during an approaching storm -- especia...
