• 人类四肢是如何进化的?

    16-04-20 Sharks, skates, and rays are oddities among the fish: They have appendages growing out of the gill arch, a small cradle of bones that supports the gills. This anatomical peculiarity has led to the proposal that the paired limbs of humans, and before...

  • 巴西溪蛙用复杂的声音与视觉信号进行交流

    16-01-15 Brazilian torrent frogs may use sophisticated audio and visual signals to communicate, including inflating vocal sacs, squealing, and arm waving, according to a study published January 13, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Fbio P. de S, Un...

  • 肺鱼运动方式可能改写动物行走进化史

    11-12-13 The eel-like body and scrawny(瘦骨如柴的) limbs of the African lungfish would appear to make it an unlikely innovator for locomotion(运动) . But its improbable walking behavior, newly described by University of Chicago scientists, redraws the ev...
