• 美国一头公狮离奇咬死母狮

    13-11-19 Officials at a zoo in the US state of Texas are investigating why a male lion attacked and killed a lioness in full view of visitors. 美国德克萨斯州一座公园里,一头公狮子在游客们的注视之下袭击并杀死了一头母狮子,公园负责人正在调查原因。 The male sei...

  • The Lioness and the Vixen

    13-10-10 A lioness and a vixen(雌狐,泼妇) were talking together about their young, as mothers will, and saying how healthy and well-grown they were, and what beautiful coats they had, and how they were the image of their parents. My litter of cubs is a jo...

  • 南非动物园饲养员遭狮子袭击致死

    12-02-15 A lioness has attacked and killed a 65-year-old South African zoo keeper at a farm owned by Johannesburg Zoo. 约翰尼斯堡动物园园的一座农场发生了母狮子袭击并杀死65岁饲养员的事故。 South Africa has about 2,700 free-ranging lions and 4,000 lions in cap...
