• 快递相关表达

    22-01-25 1)寄快递:send a package,没错,就是如此简单直接。 举个例子: I will send my father a package for his birthday. 老爸过生日,我要给他寄一个快递。 2)取快递:receive a package 举个例子: Lily received a package from her ex-boyfriend. 莉莉收到了她前男...

  • 麦当劳推出手机寄存柜

    17-10-18 McDonalds has introduced mobile phone lockers, in a bid to get customers to put their phones away, and start talking to each other again. 麦当劳推出了手机寄存柜,目的就是让顾客们将手机收起来,大家一起聊天。 One of its outlets in Singapore, at Marine...
