• 为什么烈性酒可以用spirits表示

    21-11-16 英语中有许多表示酒的单词,如alcohol,booze,drink,liquor都可以泛指酒类。除此之外,spirits也可以指烈性酒。Spirit有精神,心灵,灵魂的意思,那么酒精和灵魂有什么关系?为什么烈性酒可以用spirits表示? According to VinePair, one theory suggests that we ca...

  • 可以用来形容老师的词汇

    16-02-04 knowlegeable 渊博的 professional 专业的 rigorous 严谨的 logical 逻辑严密的 strick 严厉的 serious 严肃的 old-fashioned 古板的 humorous 幽默的 energetic 活力四射的(下课了,老师说:再讲两分钟,就两分钟!) salivate uncontrollably 唾沫横飞(前排的童鞋...

  • Moxons Master 5

    11-12-28 Somewhat to my surprise he laughed lightly and answered without hesitation: 'Nobody; the incident that you have in mind was caused by my folly in leaving a machine in action with nothing to act upon, while I undertook the interminable(冗长的) task...

  • Kirby's Coals of Fire

    10-05-26 Considering it simply as an excursion(短程旅行,远足) , George Scott thought, leaning over the side of the canal-boat and looking at the shadow of the hills in the water, his plan for spending his summer vacation might be a success, but he was not...
